Welcome to the Endocrinology Graduate Group at the University of California at Berkeley.

As of Summer 2023, the Endocrinology Graduate Group has put a hold on our admissions for at least the next two years. We will not be accepting any graduate applications in the near future.

The faculty associated with the Graduate Group in Endocrinology leading to the M.A. and the Ph.D degrees have diverse interests representing endocrinology in the broadest sense: chemical mediators in the living world directed by autocrine, paracrine, endocrine and ectohormonal factors. The main goal of our program is to engage students in the interdisciplinary aspects of the field of Endocrinology through seminars, courses and our diverse faculty research perspectives that range from structural, molecular and cellular endocrinology through organismal and comparative endocrinology to chemical ecology. Our program faculty encompasses hormone-oriented research programs such as cancer biology, signal transduction, drug design, membrane biology, virology, metabolism, differentiation, morphogenesis, toxicology and gene transcription. Graduates from our Endocrinology program have transitioned into careers in a variety of fields including education, research in both academic and industry settings, government regulation, and private business.

Students who plan to work for higher degrees in endocrinology at Berkeley will be guided by the Endocrinology Head Graduate Advisor and by the professor who directs their research (mentor). The Head Graduate Advisor and your mentor will ascertain whether students have met the minimum requirements, will recommend to prospective candidates what additional courses to take, will decide with them the fields to be covered in the qualifying examinations, and will act generally in an advisory capacity. The candidates are expected to have completed an undergraduate major in some area of animal biology leading to the B.A. or B.S. degree.

To advance to candidacy for the Ph.D., students must complete all requirements, including passage of an oral qualifying examination.

Please see our graduate group's By-laws here, ratified by the Endocrinology Faculty in January 2023.

Please also see our Graduate Student Handbook, our procedures for resolving conflicts, and our policy on switching labs.

For admissions information and to apply, please see the Berkeley Academic Guide and Berkeley's Graduate Division Application Page.

The Faculty Head Graduate Advisor for this group is:

Professor Lance Kriegsfeld

The staff graduate advising for this group is handled by the NST Department on campus:
